Monday, December 14, 2009

Inspirations or an act of Copying

"I wrote a post after quite sometime. Would you say i was inspired by someone ( well it was V) or would you say just because he updated his blog I should also.
I just forget the possibilities in this world. Well am weird.
So the conclusion of the whole thing ( well, of the prev 3 lines is .. ) I wanted to thank for the inspiration or even the competetion. Would work on my so called novel, even though I have more important stuff coming up.
Hell, how can you just get real busy with stuff which can as trivial as it can get. Yes when you have a crazy roomie, who is equally crazy. !!!
Or Eco does that to you."
as narrated to oath by amy..!! ;)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Show in and around Audi

Amy's classmates ran out to save themselves from the torture of one of sleeping pills of the coll. Little did they know they were going in for a higher dose.

Audi with theater like interiors, one of the main reasons Amy came to the coll, makes anyone who studies there sleep. Well when Amy loved the place she still wasnt a student :) The show started before she entered. Everyone was entering from the nearest entrance, Amy avoided this entrance, got the last row. The Documentary had a traquilizer effect on all of them, and the ones at the back benches ( ok soft cushony bschool audi seats ) had the leeway to sleep.

When the show was over, She walked out and started searching for familiar faces to have company during trip down the famous red carpeted stairs. She sees her buddy Aak and Aks, trying to portray how cool she is, she acts saying 'why did you guys sit at the front'. Showing some sleep ka bharathnatyam posture as claimed by Aks. 'At the last row everyone was asl.... '
Before she could finish, she realized people s expression changed. Along with her was the Prof whose name is dreaded to be taken.

No need to tell what would have been going on in her head. Unlike others she had to work with him for next 2 years. Bit her lips, acting like dead fish all went thro her head. Well she did want to show the dead fish posture to show how nicely ppl were sleeping.

She collected herself and pushed herself for some damage control. Well the prof was in good mood. As if awaken from lecture where she was sleeping and caught n further asked to answer a question, she didnt have any clue on. But it was not so bad bcoz it was like our K serials. You miss for a month and start followin the mega serials again. It would make sense again and easily without loss of information. Similarly even after sleeping in between she was able to follow. After a point they lost sleep also because it was not giving her the guilt feeling that she was missing anything important.

She started praising how informative the video was. But other friends ( nalayak insaanon) were just laughing. Trying to back it with facts, she goes that packet folding etc was really innovative. Aak says everything was so nice etc. We were running out of adjectives, hence walked away from him. Whole way everyone was imitating and recollecting the incident. It was a good laugh.

Hopefully, Amy poor amy is spared. For that wait and watch :) God Bless you Amen.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Banana Split

New place, excitement, change of routine, CHRLORINATED WATER all were leading to excessive hair fall. Amy's been cribbing about it. More tension about hair more the hairfall.. She succumbed to such a viscious cycle. Accentuated by aak's cribbing, the cribbing cycle was induced into amy's friends circle. Concerned about Amy, AAT, Amy's amchi mumbai localite friend gave her a link for tips on healthy hair during one of their chats.

Keeping the sanctity of the pathetic site, i am not mentioning the link but "ctrl c ctrl v"ing the contents.

Hairspray HazardsScientists in London, as reported in The Daily Telegraph (November 2008) found that women who come into contact with the hairspray products containing chemicals called phthalates during the first three months of pregnancy increased the chances of having a son with hypospadias, a genital deformity causing the urinary opening to be shifted beneath the penis. The study showed that taking folic supplements reduces the risk.
An increased risk was only seen in women whose jobs led to high exposure to hairspray chemicals, such as beauty therapists, hairdressers, research chemists and workers in hair product factory.
Pregnancy Recipes
Proper hair care can give you fabulous, shining, thick, beautiful, gorgeous, and dandruff free hair.
Oiling hair regularly will prevent various hair problems. Trim the split-ends of the hair regularly. Do not over brush your hair. Brush your hair regularly with a good quality hairbrush/comb. Use a broad toothed comb brush on wet hair. Wash your brush or comb regualrly with soap or shampoo.Avoid the use of other’s comb. Always clean your comb.Do not use very hot air for drying wet hair. Avoid over-exposure to the sun. If you color your hair, try to organic dyes such as henna(mehndi)or coffee and avoid non-organic dyes like peroxides. Vitamins for healthy hairYou can try some specific vitamins to keep your hair healthy as given below. The B-Complex vitamins and Antioxidants for healthy hair. A deficiency in vitamins B2, B6 or biotin may cause hair loss. Inositol helps hair growth. Vitamin C and E help circulation in scalp. Sulfur is good for hair growth. Beta Carotene for shining hair. Hair Care Myths There are many advises about hair care that appear to be sound and worth to try, but actually they are nothing but myths. Following are some hair care tips taht are supposed to be true but are only myths.
Myth: Trim your hair to frequently to grow them faster and denser. Whether you trim your hair or not, they grow half an inch every 4 weeks. Trimming split hair ends improves the look of your hair. Myth: Stress is the main cause of hair lossWe daily lose about 100 hairs daily even in the absense of stress. However, you may lose more than this, if you are very stressed. Myth: Plucking out grey hair will grow more grey haidPlucking grey hair may damage hair follicles and lead to infection on the scalp. But there is no connection between plucking and greying hair. Hair Care Recipes Olive Oil Hair Mask or PackMix 5 tablespoon of olive oil with 2 eggs. Apply throughly to hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes rinse well.
Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask -1Mix 2 tablespoon honey with 3 tablespoon olive oil. Apply throughly to hair. Cover hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes shampoo and rinse well.
Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask -2After you shampoo your hair, pour 1 cup fresh lemon juice or vinegar through hair and massage and rinse with water. Apply your usual conditioner and wash with water. It will remove all the dirt and your hair will be shine sparkling. Do not repeat this method before 2 weeks.
Beautiful Gorgeous Hair MaskGrind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. This paste is good for all types of hair problems, viz. dandruffs, falling hair, thinning of hair, baldness, split hair, etc.
Hair Rinse for soft and shiny hairMix 1 Tbsp of following herbs with enough boiling water and let it stand for 1/2 an hour. Add 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and mix well. Shampoo your hair. Pour mixture over hair repeatedly. Vinegar will seal the hair cuticle.
Use the herbs as following:For hair general care: rosemary leaves, nettle, burdock root, elder flowersFor dry hair: chamomile flowers, comfrey root, nettle, elder flowersFor oily hair: lemon peel, peppermint, lemongrass
Shining HairMix juice of one fresh orange, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and a few drops (5-7) of sandalwood oil. Use as an after-shampoo rinse. Beat two eggs in a tablespoon of milk and apply on your hair. Rinse your hair after 5-7 minutes to get an instant shining.Add a 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your hair.
For Damaged HairMash a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse with soda water and then shampoo and condition.
Falling Hair, Hair LossRub Indian gooseberry (Amla) into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, it will stop hair falling.Eat a protein rich diet inluding green leafy vegetables, carrots, mango, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, sprouts, lentils in the daily diet for the hair loss and falling hair.
Split End Hair Split ends in hair are caused when they are damaged by strong shampoo or heat from hair dryer. Following are some cures for spit hair.
Make a pack by beating 1 egg yolk in a mixture of 2 Tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp honey. Massage on hair in thoroughly and then wrap head with shower cap for half an hour. Wash. Massage hair and scalp with warm olive oil and wrap head with shower cap and leave for overnight or for 8-10 hours. Wash.You can alternately do the following:Take 1/2 cup olive oil in 1/2 cup boiling water in a bottle and put its cap. Shake teh bottle vigorsly. Massage thoroughly in hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave for 1/2 hour, then wash. Take care of your hands and head because the water is hot. Oil your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice. It is always better to keep the split end trimmed, otherwise, they may split further up the hair.Frizzy HairMake an after-shampoo rinse by mixing one tablepsoon of honey to a liter of water. Use it after every hair wash with your usual shampoo.
Greasy HairGreasy hair are mainly due to becoming sebaceous glands overactive. You should avoid too much brushing of hair. Wash your hair frequently with a nourishing shampoo.

Lethargic Amy glanced through and forgot abt it. A week or two later, on a tuesday she remembered the link. Why so? Post the monday fast, she had left over bananas and they were rotting. Literally rotting. She checked for chat conversations and found the link. Well she rememberred reading about banana in that link and Bingo.!! Most of the tips required lot of effort and hence was not feasible. Even the banana thing, she effectively reduced it to applying mashed banana and washing it off. As easy as it can get.

She wakes at 8 45 on wednesday for a 9 30 class. Still is optimistic enough to try out the banana stunt. Applies the mashed banana on her hair. ( Now comes the climax!!.. )
Tries to wash off the yucky goooeey stuff off her hair. Its not budging. Amy shampooed her hair thrice more. Now she is tensed. Being a double class, she didnt want to miss her attendance.

Tries to pull out the relatively bigger pieces which are visible from her hair and may be tie her hair into a bun. But that resulted in more hair loss.. defying the whole purpose. Cursing herself and the wrong side of the bed she woke up, decided to bunk the class. Aak assures, they can still make it. SB gave an idea of drying the hair and combing it off. Well SB is the dudette, it did work enough for Amy to hide her clumsy idea.

I am not sure if Amy reduced talking to AAT because of her link or just that she has actually become busy. What do you think? ;)