Thursday, July 30, 2009

Show in and around Audi

Amy's classmates ran out to save themselves from the torture of one of sleeping pills of the coll. Little did they know they were going in for a higher dose.

Audi with theater like interiors, one of the main reasons Amy came to the coll, makes anyone who studies there sleep. Well when Amy loved the place she still wasnt a student :) The show started before she entered. Everyone was entering from the nearest entrance, Amy avoided this entrance, got the last row. The Documentary had a traquilizer effect on all of them, and the ones at the back benches ( ok soft cushony bschool audi seats ) had the leeway to sleep.

When the show was over, She walked out and started searching for familiar faces to have company during trip down the famous red carpeted stairs. She sees her buddy Aak and Aks, trying to portray how cool she is, she acts saying 'why did you guys sit at the front'. Showing some sleep ka bharathnatyam posture as claimed by Aks. 'At the last row everyone was asl.... '
Before she could finish, she realized people s expression changed. Along with her was the Prof whose name is dreaded to be taken.

No need to tell what would have been going on in her head. Unlike others she had to work with him for next 2 years. Bit her lips, acting like dead fish all went thro her head. Well she did want to show the dead fish posture to show how nicely ppl were sleeping.

She collected herself and pushed herself for some damage control. Well the prof was in good mood. As if awaken from lecture where she was sleeping and caught n further asked to answer a question, she didnt have any clue on. But it was not so bad bcoz it was like our K serials. You miss for a month and start followin the mega serials again. It would make sense again and easily without loss of information. Similarly even after sleeping in between she was able to follow. After a point they lost sleep also because it was not giving her the guilt feeling that she was missing anything important.

She started praising how informative the video was. But other friends ( nalayak insaanon) were just laughing. Trying to back it with facts, she goes that packet folding etc was really innovative. Aak says everything was so nice etc. We were running out of adjectives, hence walked away from him. Whole way everyone was imitating and recollecting the incident. It was a good laugh.

Hopefully, Amy poor amy is spared. For that wait and watch :) God Bless you Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Impossible is a subset of activities that amy can do
