Friday, March 2, 2012

The Bullet

Working late night, many of us loose the normal ability to think clearly. Skewed conversations can be lot of fun. When you are already working late, one looses the sense of time and suddenly time slows down, anyways we have signed up to stay up late - loose the sleep, so as well take it up on the pace you want than to hurry things. If day time is a chaos of headbanging to death metal song then night time is a ballet to a rumba song. Amy's Colleague was staying up late to finish up a presentation to be submitted to the higher up ( read way higher up!!! that makes it damm critical ) After putting the contents, now was time for beautification. Well more than content it is how you present it matter hence the name "Presentation" :P Amy remembered her leadership program boss who used to rush through the ppt and say "it hits me in the eye". Ask what - "well! something hits me. Things are not at same level, color combination, font it could be anything except the content :P " (Those were the days !!! ) Amy was on call with a friend, not in mood to work. Could push herself harder tomo to complete the pending tasks - engineer mentality. The call was different from her normal calls, that she takes within office premises because it was girly gossip that was featured conversation on the call. So much of giggles and laughter that followed that she forgot how much she was talking. Basically it was a GOGS call. Colleague calls Amy, Call is waiting. She walks upto him seeing the missed call. He asks for help in formating and so called beautification. Amy apes the techniques that her boss had used in the past. The Colleague exclaims "Color the bullet green" and the lets pause the time here. It gets interesting as to what each one thinks: Colleague:
Megu: Amy and her violent streak
No wonder they say everyone has their own perception - Lol

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