Thursday, December 20, 2012

Go Going Goa

Amy has never been a big party animal. Goa at this time of the year - the actual season of year end ... is not her idea of vacation or even spending money. But Megu was getting married and its good enough a reason to go against all the ideologies she had.

Amy, Megu, Shl, Gaurav and Saloni had been to Kolhad Kundalika River Rafting, during which Shl and Megu became good friends - To an extent that Shl self invited himself for the wedding. But then due to some personal reasons he had to back out. None of the GOGS (Gang of girls - that amy and megu were a part of ) were not going to come. Going alone that too to such a happening place was a disaster.

Come thursday: Amy, Rich and Ati were taking a walk. I just happened to put senti and guess what I got a bakra to come with me to Goa. Booked tickets for that night. Amy checked her calendar, that had calls till 12. The train was booked at 12 55 in the night. Left office at 9 30 pm, reached home 5 mins late for the call at 10 30. Further just to get to know that the lady on the other side has kept a call the following day.
None of these are sinking in for Amy as the only objective was she was going to Goa.

Amy starts packing. Goa being synonymous to LA – you cant be taking usual clothing. Need to take care of the heat, the cold, the fashion, the comfort and the space. And in this special case time as she had the next call starting in half an hour. Again late for this call. So much for professionalism she keeps professing.

This call goes on for ages. Any minute after 12 was an age in entirety as it increased the chance of her plan to go flop exponentially. The call ends at 12 15 and the stakeholder asks Amy to stay online for further discussion. She now panics and tries to finish packing when she was on phone.

Rush to the station and the rick driver was not able to understand her anxiety. He was just worried about potholes that his auto might have to hit if he sped up. To top it he dropped her on the other side of the platform. Well she was at platform no 1 and the train at 5. She had less than 10 mins and 3 bags to cover half the length of the train from platform 1 and rest from platform no 5. Well she had enough brains to know if reaches platform no 5, its enough for her, she can just get into the train and walk later. However uncomfortable it is.

Well she reached on time to avoid typical DDLJ stunts. Well a 3 day long vacation would mean too many misadventures – let me just list them down.

-          Forgot the blanket. Shivered through out the night. Ati wakes her up to show her the mist. “Baaahhh let me sleep” was the reply “Thakheli”
-          Come next day they don’t have a place to stay. Megu herself was coming to Goa in the night. If they don’t have a place, then this day would go for a waste as they cant roam around without freshening up. Pommy to the rescue. Amy has history of calling Pommy only when she has to go to Goa. She doesn’t even have the decency to store either numbers.
-          Ati got shouted at for not having her share of decency to let the Resort Owner know they ll not be coming

One thing good about them was they didn’t have a plan. They expected next few days just to be fluid squeezing all they can. Both of them watched "Life Ok!" and some K serials. For heaven sake you are in GOA

Dumped the bag, freshened up and went to eat.  Then think of plans. In Goa, you need not be worried. You just need to bargain. Rest - routes, places, things to do all comes in big sizes of indian advices. Some how they landed up going to places Amy had been to already. Walk Inn, Panjim Church, Dona Paula ( well reached beyond sunset ) and back in time for the call. Bus journey was fun just because Ati was so page 3.
 The disastrous shack dinner at Laxmi. I am sure Amy would have said the name itself sounds so non glamorous for Goan Standard. To over come we had to go to St Anthony's. Good crowd and nice music. 

Next day each one of them were snoozing the alarm to delay getting up. Finally Amy made Ati go and get activa. Both of them didnt have license. The activa owner made Ati swear on mother that they had license. Both of them minus the PAN Card, there was no assurance that they would be back in one piece. They covered Anjuna, Vagator, Chapora Fort, Calangute, Candolim, Aguara Jail, Fort Aguara, Sinquerim. Food!!! Amy so wanted to Hogg!!! but somehow she was loosing appetite - may be to fit into the clothes she got.

Best investment was the map they bought for 30 bucks.

Headed towards Panjim to further go to Old Goa. They were terrified to ride in the NH 17 and the bridge over River Mandovi.  Some blind courage was taking them somewhere.There were stupidity like stopping on the right hand side for directions or overtaking from left. Missing speed breakers, mis judging the folks who crossed the road.

When they reached Bom Jesus Church, the decided to go to Mangeshi and Sankaracharya Balaji Temple.
Frankly Amy didnt want to go to temples in Goa. She wanted to cover the Chapels, Churches, Forts, Beaches and everything that she could have. The love of Architecture got over the love of god ( in her religion) She had missed Fort TereKhol for covering the churches and the museum. But by the time they came back from temples, they could only hurry into Bom Jesus Church. The Art gallery was closed. The other church was also closed. 

This was probably the time they realized the priorities were different and this was not discussed. Sullen faces and silences followed. It was late to ride back. It was there that Amy and Ati were not confident to ride but also the fact that in Goa most of the folks on road seemed to drunk n high ( nothing against the natives but other who come for partying ) It was last time's Anjuna incident talking for Amy i guess. All the folks could see was firangs and they were guiding them well enough. They found it spooky - well out of the comfort zone. Ati suggested they by pass the city Panaji. They didnt have license nor a helmet. Well Amy confessed she felt they shouldnt be riding. It was not only dangerous for them but also the others in the vicinity. Ati knew a  shortcut. Take the ferry and it will by pass the city for you. Amy was doubtful with her gut feel in geography. Ati reassured if they ferry was available. When they passed the cutting which leads to ferry, it was just leaving. 
Amy asked the person near by "How much does the guy charge"
"Its free"
No further questions asked, they just landed up. Once the ferry reached, they were about to get out, thats when Amy asked the way for Baga/Calangute. The guys were pointing out in the opposite direction.

I need to congratulate Amy for holding her urge to shout. hahha :) She someone got hold of her and all her earlier grumpiness. They took the ferry back. The ferryman was also frust with them.

It was relief they reached!!! Next needs come into place.. need to be clean,hunger and then party. Ati had come only for partying and Amy wanted to give her this day for the marriage of Megu tomo. But they woke up late. Got ready, returned the bike, checked out of Palmil. They were really late for the wedding. 

Well they traveled by all means of transport in Goa - Train, Bus, Taxi, auto, Pilot, Bike, Ferry!!! Amy was happy about it. 

Reached at about 12 30ish. Took less than 15 mins to get ready and as the prev 3 days.. she didnt have a comb. ( Found a new nickname for Amy - the Medusa!!! ) Megu pointed out that they didnt come for her function the day before.  Ati had given her 15 mins to go and catch up with Megu, give  her the gift and leave by 1. Had lunch and left at 1 30. Reached Ponda at 2ish. The train was at 3. The auto driver was telling - it would take an hour to reach Madgaon by bus and then 20 mins further to reach the station. Amy was reminded of the onward journey to Goa. They reached exactly at 3. But the train was half an hour late.

The train journey was another adventure in itself. No fan. They got a guy to repair the fan but he only repaired on of the 3. Why?? No answer. Lot of cockroaches. Amy spend first couple of hours physically killing them. Yewww!!! The adventure was not just because of these but Ati "The Page 3" in second class. Phew!!! Amy seems more patient to things - thanks to Ati. ;)

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